New logo

This is my new logo, thanks to Carlotta who helped me with the creation. Proud of it!

Enjoying amateur radio since 1987

The latest QSL

2021 QSL

 The shack at Christmas 2019

I wish I could have more space for antennas, and cover more bands! On the left are three QRP radios (QRP Labs QCX) that I've recently built; on the right, the radios and the control box of the rotator for the satellite's' activity.

A pic of the shack when I was young...

IK4JQQ/P in Tuscany, one of Italy's beauties

2019/2020 QSL - Modena - The Cathedral

Modena - Ghirlandina Tower

March 2018
I've been enjoying ham-radio from Obninsk, in Russia. I had a great hospitality from the Russian ham operators, Alexei RW3XZ and R3XA Ilya.
In the photo below (my QSL), I'm at Obninsk's Club Station with Alexei.
Thanks for contacting me!
QSLs are all on the way via bureau

I confirm every QSO with eQSL, Clublog, LoTW, and my paper QSL
Photos are taken by me.
Here is my new one, with which I'll QSL every 2017 / 2018 contact. It's a view of the countryside around my home.

2015 QSL is a view of Ghirlandina tower from Via Emilia, Modena's historic centre.

Ghirlandina tower and the "Bonissima", Modena's city centre.


IS0 - Sardinia Island - Italy

 IOTA EU - 024

 CQ ZONE - 15

 ITU ZONE - 28

 WW Locator - JN41qe

Operations from mountain vacation QTH,  August 2015:

IK4JQQ - Italy

Carlo Morandi


CQ ZONE - 15


WW Locator - JN54kp

In June 2014 I've been enjoying ham-radio from IS0, Sardinia Is. I've been using a home made fishing-rod antenna, my TS-2000, 100W maximum output.

I thank everybody for being part of my fun during my stay in Sardinia. I'm sending, as usual, my paper QSL via bureau, to confirm every contact. I'm looking forward to catching you again soon from another location!


Since October 20th to 23rd I've been operating on HF from San Domino, Tremiti Islands, a pearl of the italian Mediteranean sea, with IL7/IK4JQQ call.

 IL7 - Tremiti Islands

Best 73 and always enjoy ham-radio!

Copyright: All QSL photographs are taken by IK4JQQ

CQ zone 15, ITU zone 28
Italian Island Award FG-001
WW Locator - JN72RC
DMI 3395

I've been celebrating my 25 years of passion for ham-radio. Meeting all of you has been the best way to celebrate! I'll never forget these beatiful days spent on the Island.

A nice QSL via bureau has confirmed every contact.
eQSL and LOTW have been uploaded.

Looking forward to hearing you on the radio, I thank you for being part of my log and my passion for amateur radio.

Feel free to contact me and exchange 73s at

Clic to see the map -> Clicca per visualizzare la mappa


Everything started on November, 28th 1987, 25 years ago when I was 20 years old, with my first QSO, W2PPG, Cal, on 15 meters.

My QSO with Austronaut Luca Parmitano from ISS